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This Week On Twitter: CW 2/2014

In the second week of 2014 two topics got my attention in particular. Both have a connection to the food fair "International Green Week" starting this Friday in Berlin.

Meat Atlas
The Meat Atlas 2014 was published this week, in time for the Green Week. Many statements and illustrations were replicated on Twitter. It is available in German and in English. Due to this important hashtags are  #Fleischatlas and  #meatatlas.

"Wir haben es statt"
A annual demonstration in Berlin during the Green Week claims good food and good farming for everyone. The majority of the twitter content is in German. A often used Hashtag is #WirHabenEsSatt.

What was your trending topic on twitter last week?
Did you have a look in the meat atlas 2014?
Will you go to the Int. Green Week or to the demonstration?
